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Stress & Mental Health at Work Model Policy


WorkWise for Screen is dedicated to fostering a healthy, supportive environment for all those involved in the screen industries. Mental health and stress significantly affect productivity and the quality of work, particularly in the demanding field of screen production. This model policy suggests some practical measures for managing stress and mental wellbeing, tailored to the unique challenges of screen sector organisations visiting our platform. This model policy is by no means exhaustive, so let’s keep the conversation going—feel free to share your thoughts or questions in the comments below

A reminder that nothing on this platform is legal advice but we’re here to point you in the right direction if needed.

1. Scope

This [model policy] applies to:

  • All [board members and employees of] [name of organisation].
  • Freelancers, contractors, crew, and cast members involved in projects facilitated by [name of organisation].

The [model policy] was approved by [NAME] [POSITION] on [DATE] and will be reviewed [annually] by [name].

2. Legal Obligations

We acknowledge our legal responsibilities relating to the health, safety, and wellbeing of all individuals engaged in our activities. Relevant legal frameworks include:

  • Health and Safety at Work Act 1974: Requires us to protect the health, safety and welfare of employees and non-employees as far as is reasonably practicable, including mental health considerations.
  • Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999: Requires us to conduct risk assessments, including stress and mental health risks, and implement measures to mitigate these risks.
  • Equality Act 2010: Prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities, including long-term mental health conditions, and requires reasonable adjustments to support affected workers.
  • Working Time Regulations 1998: Sets limits on working hours for most employees and workers and ensures adequate rest periods to prevent overwork and stress.
  • Data Protection Act 2018 (UK GDPR): Protects everyone’s sensitive personal information, including disclosures of mental health conditions, ensuring confidentiality and appropriate data handling.

Everyone is encouraged to be aware of these legal obligations and take action to protect the mental health of their colleagues, ensuring a supportive work environment.

3. Understanding Stress & Mental Health

Stress occurs when someone faces demands that exceed their ability to cope. In the context of screen production, factors such as long hours, tight deadlines, and emotionally intense subject matter can contribute to stress. Common causes of stress include:

  • Excessive workload or unrealistic deadlines.
  • Limited control over work processes.
  • Insufficient support or unclear roles.
  • Difficult interpersonal dynamics on set.
  • Handling distressing content (e.g., violence, sensitive themes).

4. Key Principles

Awareness and Prevention

  • Conduct risk assessments to identify stress factors unique to each project.
  • Highlight potential stress triggers, especially when handling sensitive content, and provide mechanisms for opting out.
  • Promote open communication and regular mental health check-ins.

Support Systems:

  • Encourage access to mental health resources like counselling services, Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs), or industry-specific tools such as the Film & TV Charity’s Wellbeing Toolkit.
  • Provide training for mental health awareness and stress management.


  • All discussions about stress and mental health will remain confidential unless sharing information is essential to provide support, manage risks, or comply with legal obligations.
  • Sensitive information will be securely stored and destroyed in accordance with GDPR and our [privacy policy].

Inclusivity and Equity:

  • Ensure that policies are inclusive and prevent harassment, discrimination, or bullying in the workplace.
  • Promote a culture of dignity, equality, and respect, adhering to BFI principles on bullying and harassment.

5. Responsibilities

We will:

  • Ensure a supportive, mentally healthy work environment.
  • Implement stress prevention strategies and mental health resources for all involved.
  • Adhere to industry-specific legal requirements and relevant guidelines.
  • Protect anyone reporting stress or participating in investigations related to mental health concerns. Intimidation or victimisation of those raising concerns will not be tolerated.

Our Leaders, Managers & Supervisors will:

  • Identify signs of stress and mental health issues.
  • Address concerns empathetically and implement appropriate adjustments to support affected individuals.
  • Report stress-related concerns promptly.
  • Make use of available training and support resources, such as counselling services.
  • Offer support and ensure that mental health resources are readily available.
  • Foster a positive and open workplace culture.

Our Cast, Crew, & Contractors will:

  • Communicate concerns regarding mental health and stress openly.
  • Make use of available mental health support services.
  • Respect others and contribute to a healthy, supportive work environment.

6. Absence Due to Stress

If stress or mental health issues require time off work, we will:

  • Support everyone in reporting stress-related absences and maintain confidentiality.
  • Encourage access to mental health support during periods of absence.
  • Implement a phased return to work where appropriate, with adjustments based on medical advice.

7. Monitoring & Review

We will:

  • Conduct regular assessments of stress risks and review the effectiveness of support measures.
  • Seek feedback regarding mental health and stress.
  • Update this policy as necessary to reflect industry changes and best practices.

Last updated 05/02/2025


Useful resources